When I was a young girl I used to love to visit the local park.
The playground had a merry go round there. Not the carousel type with
the horses but the colorful one that had the rut all the way around
it where we ran while holding on to get it to spin, then we would
jump on for the ride.
If we were lucky we could get an adult or
another person to spin it and all we had to do was hold on for the
Learning how to ride without feeling sick or falling off, took
As a self spinner you could the circle jump on and gently
ride out the fun until it stopped.
When another person and their force took over, that
could sometimes be another story.
The slow spinners allowed us to sit
on the edge and we could bring it to a stop by putting a foot down on
the ground, another reason for the rut around it.
The faster spinners
left us with little no control so we learned how to ride. For me, it
only took one fall off during a spin to learn what centrifugal force
was. So to prevent being spun to the outside edge and off, I needed
to hold on to the metal bar tightly.
I also learned the many ways
that metal bar would be my riding friend. I could sit straddle of it. Arms and legs wrapped around it with a death grip. A little braver, laying down with head toward
the center and a foothold on 2 of the bars and hands clutching the bars near my head. Sometimes I could let go.
Learning to stand came
with it's own challenges but you learn to crouch and grip, then stand
and grip, and eventually you find a center of balance and realize,
you can move toward the center where you find the ride isn't so
dizzying. There is where you can extend our arms to the sky and feel
like you conquered the ride. Just don't let anyone or or anything
distract you or you find yourself on your backside getting swung out
to the edge. It's also there that you can extend an arm to assist
another trying to make their way to the center.
This is my caregiver merry go round.
So it's been over a year since I had a chunk of respite time.
Granted, I get an aide for 10 hrs a week. I can get a few errands run
during that time and if I have any 'free' time I usually try to get
in a workout at the gym I am a member of. Lately that hasn't happened
Hubby has been very, very needy. I have been “Honey!”ed so
much that I suspect bees will begin to follow me around!
My lack of presence seems to set off some sort of internal
distress. Even running the vacuum in another room feels like a luxury. So mainly I
sit with him, play a computer game to escape from the reality and
mentally shut out everything I don't have to contend with.
Caregiving is weighing on my heart and mind. Everything feels like
its sliding to the edge of the merry go round being turned by life
and some days I wonder, “Will I be able to hang on without falling
off and getting hurt?”
I keep trying to maintain my balance as I work my way to the
center. Clinging to Jesus with arms and legs wrapped and locked on. I
know once I get there I can find some peace from the struggle as I
stand with arms lifted and watching the world spin. It is also there
I can reach out to others to help them reach the center and hopefully
a center of balance.
One of the things that threw Hubby and myself of center was the
start of Hospice. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY grateful for them and
so happy to have them. It's just... I don't know.
Hospice started with Hubby a little over a month ago. He continues
to deteriorate physically but the odd thing is cognitively he seems
'better' (?). Oriented to place and person. Ahhh but “You aren't
fooling me Lewy, I've seen your tricks before and I'm not falling for
them!” So even though Hubby seems more his old self trying to
communicate (very s l o ... what?), I maintain a distance in my mind
and heart so neither will take a hit when the decline slams us again.
Now it's time for respite and I had scheduled 2 weeks.
Hubby's anxiety shot up as respite neared. I waited a while before
saying anything to him for that reason and as the days got closer the
anxiety increased. His behaviors worsened and his attitude towards me
worsened and honestly I prayed SO HARD for the Lord to keep my mouth
closed. Eyes straight ahead and just get through one day at a time.
For a wile I didn't know if he would even go as he stated he would
not. He tried to pick a fight with me the day before we were to leave and
spoke very mean, vulgar and hateful things. I promise it took a great
deal of emotional strength to remain calm and not respond. I prayed
for a steal vault around my heart and a clamp on my mouth. I forgot
to ask for protection of my mind because he got a few shots in that
made me think, I would be glad when he was gone. Truth.
The morning
came and although he was reluctant he was at least cooperative in
getting ready. I allowed plenty of time and never rushed him to do
anything. I packed almost everything the night before. One mistake I
made was doing the packing in our bedroom. I could tell he was
getting upset as I started gathering his clothes, so I stopped,
waited for him to need to use the bathroom and while he was occupied,
moved everything to another room and packed a little at a time until
I finished.
This particular respite time I wanted him to try a stay at the VA
contracted nursing facility instead of the VA Hosp. My reasons, all
logical to me, were, since he had already expressed his dislike of
the VA hosp I thought a different place and perhaps atmosphere would
satisfy him more. There would be more people, men and women. More
visitors in and out. He might be more engaging with them and actually
better emotionally. He would be closer, 45 miles instead of 65. The
drive is better and I don't have to fight big city traffic. Side
note, I was not familiar with the town we were going to so I pulled
out my map but Hubby had been there and through there many times in
his car dealing business days so he told me how to get there :) Other reasons I chose this facility was he can take his Hospice services with him so if he needs anything at all, supplies, meds, they will provide it. Also the thought that IF I would
ever need a permanent place for him, this is the facility I would use
so I wanted us both to have some feel for it.
The facility is lovely from the outside. It looks like a remodel
was done to it at some point and it was decorated for the fall. The
inside was very clean and the front gathering area was large and
homey. Residents were watching TV, conversing or playing dominoes with one another or just
sitting. One item of interest was a very large display that had
actual birds in it. SO pretty.
The room Hubby is in is roomy. He shares with another
gentleman. A very nice and quiet man. This is much better to Hubby's
liking compared to the noisey one he shared a room with at the VA
hospital. The rooms are older though, painted concrete block walls and connecting rooms share a half
bath. So 4 residents share a sink and a toilet. Immediately there was
an issue with that. The bathroom was tiny and a wheelchair wouldn't
even get wedged in the door. There were no grab bars and the toilet
wasn't the raised type. So Hubby was offered a bedside toilet.
Another thing about the room is, compared to the VA Hosp which is
completely furnished, this respite room is more like a dorm room.
Except for a bed, completely EMPTY! They were kind enough to scramble
and bring him a night stand. They rustled up a rolling bedside table
too. The gentleman he shares with said Hubby was more than welcome to
watch TV with him. The rooms don't provide TVs. So day one of my
respite was spent getting Hubby settled in and then making a list of
items he might need that I hadn't thought about or making sure he was
stocked up. Day 2 was spent gathering those items and taking them to
Hubby. ahhh Respite, so glad I get a break from caregiving! LOL!!
I'm not worried about Hubby per se, I do hope he engages with the
others. Unless his Lewy Body Dementia lets up though, I doubt he
will. Lewy put him on the downward slide. Although Hubby has been
more vocal at times, his mobility is shot and for the last few days
had to be total assist with transfers. He also gets hit with
unresponsive or barely responsive. I do not contribute this to
medication. It fluctuates too much. Another Lewy Body symptom.
One last thing to share, Hubby is very convinced that he will pass
away while he is in respite. I asked him to wait until it was over.
He agreed so I'm holding him to that ;-) but the best thing was his
mushy sentimentality and expression of love for me.
As we were getting prepared to leave for respite, Hubby said
“Well, if I don't see you anymore, it was nice knowing you.”
LOL!!!! I'll take what I can get :D
This is dementia, it's not just a memory problem. My husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in Oct 2007. This is our story. The ups and downs, the sorrows and joys. A non clinical view of living the Lewy life. Our story ended Feb 11, 2014. Lewy Body dementia hasn't been cured yet so until it is, this blog will be timeless in it's approach to caregiving, love and faith. It's a daily approach to those things.
This is dementia. It's not just a memory problem.
What you read in this blog is purely my own personal experience in dealing with Lewy Body Dementia every day.
This is not meant to offer any medical or legal advise.
I have no professional training in care giving or experiences in formal writing.
I'm just a woman that loves her husband deeply and wants to provide him with the best quality of life he can and chooses to have.
My prayer though this is "Lord, What am I learning from this; how can I use it help someone else and to glorify You?"
If just one person finds comfort in this public blog. I will feel like it was a success.
What you read in this blog is purely my own personal experience in dealing with Lewy Body Dementia every day.
This is not meant to offer any medical or legal advise.
I have no professional training in care giving or experiences in formal writing.
I'm just a woman that loves her husband deeply and wants to provide him with the best quality of life he can and chooses to have.
My prayer though this is "Lord, What am I learning from this; how can I use it help someone else and to glorify You?"
If just one person finds comfort in this public blog. I will feel like it was a success.
Showing posts with label Nursing Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nursing Home. Show all posts
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
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