Conversations around here can be hilarious at times.
Our struggle can range anywhere from unfinished sentences to incorporating parts of other conversations in the present ones.
For instance, when I passed by Hubby's bed, I reached over to get a small blanket and he flinched saying he thought I was going to touch him with my cold hands.
I assured him "I'll give you advanced warning before I do that".
Then I asked him what he wanted for lunch and went down the list, one at a time, of yea or nays.
No, was the word of the day and when I got to hamburger he said , "I need advanced warning".
After a moment to process this, I took this as a no and offered PB&J, it was yes.
This is dementia, it's not just a memory problem. My husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in Oct 2007. This is our story. The ups and downs, the sorrows and joys. A non clinical view of living the Lewy life. Our story ended Feb 11, 2014. Lewy Body dementia hasn't been cured yet so until it is, this blog will be timeless in it's approach to caregiving, love and faith. It's a daily approach to those things.
This is dementia. It's not just a memory problem.
What you read in this blog is purely my own personal experience in dealing with Lewy Body Dementia every day.
This is not meant to offer any medical or legal advise.
I have no professional training in care giving or experiences in formal writing.
I'm just a woman that loves her husband deeply and wants to provide him with the best quality of life he can and chooses to have.
My prayer though this is "Lord, What am I learning from this; how can I use it help someone else and to glorify You?"
If just one person finds comfort in this public blog. I will feel like it was a success.
What you read in this blog is purely my own personal experience in dealing with Lewy Body Dementia every day.
This is not meant to offer any medical or legal advise.
I have no professional training in care giving or experiences in formal writing.
I'm just a woman that loves her husband deeply and wants to provide him with the best quality of life he can and chooses to have.
My prayer though this is "Lord, What am I learning from this; how can I use it help someone else and to glorify You?"
If just one person finds comfort in this public blog. I will feel like it was a success.
I find communication interesting with my AD husband also. I don't give him choices in food, just take note of what he doesn't like. When we eat in a restaurant, he always has me order for him. He likes ice cream twice a day and sometimes I tell him no ice cream "until you have nutrition". Love your blog, Kathy.