24 hrs after Hubby made his I love you statement, he once again reverted to being in the V.A. Home and me as his caregiver.
The statement/question he made this time was "You have a contract to do this (take care of him) don't you?"
I answered him without skipping a beat. "I sure do. It's called a marriage license".
The look on Hubby's face when I said it was priceless.
A combination of shock, confusion and disbelief and the smirky you're pulling my leg look, all rolled into one and it almost made me laugh out loud. I had to turn away from him and started typing on my facebook.
We settled into bed for the night , or I did anyway because Hubby wanders around at night and raids the refrigerator.
About 2 1/2 hrs later he called out to me. I shot up so quickly that for a moment I had lost my bearings then I noticed him sitting on the side of the bed.
I asked if he was okay but he responded no, he was lost and obviously frightened enough to admit it.
He didn't know where he was or how he got there.
He wanted to know where the doors led too and who was here.
He was shaking and I spoke calmly and reassuringly.
He settled in the bed still shaken and admittedly scared.
I held him close and asked him if he trusted me. He replied yes.
I asked him if he knew he was in a safe place. He said he thought so.
I followed through with those feelings to reaffirm we were in our own home and bedroom, nobody was here but us and everything was okay.
He eventually calmed down and drifted off while I pet his head.
According to Hubby this wasn't the first time this had happened to him but the first time he admitted he was afraid.
I so wish that fear was something Hubby never has to encounter but when he does I pray that we can deal with it quickly and easily.
I think we handled it quite well.
The statement/question he made this time was "You have a contract to do this (take care of him) don't you?"
I answered him without skipping a beat. "I sure do. It's called a marriage license".
The look on Hubby's face when I said it was priceless.
A combination of shock, confusion and disbelief and the smirky you're pulling my leg look, all rolled into one and it almost made me laugh out loud. I had to turn away from him and started typing on my facebook.
We settled into bed for the night , or I did anyway because Hubby wanders around at night and raids the refrigerator.
About 2 1/2 hrs later he called out to me. I shot up so quickly that for a moment I had lost my bearings then I noticed him sitting on the side of the bed.
I asked if he was okay but he responded no, he was lost and obviously frightened enough to admit it.
He didn't know where he was or how he got there.
He wanted to know where the doors led too and who was here.
He was shaking and I spoke calmly and reassuringly.
He settled in the bed still shaken and admittedly scared.
I held him close and asked him if he trusted me. He replied yes.
I asked him if he knew he was in a safe place. He said he thought so.
I followed through with those feelings to reaffirm we were in our own home and bedroom, nobody was here but us and everything was okay.
He eventually calmed down and drifted off while I pet his head.
According to Hubby this wasn't the first time this had happened to him but the first time he admitted he was afraid.
I so wish that fear was something Hubby never has to encounter but when he does I pray that we can deal with it quickly and easily.
I think we handled it quite well.