
This is dementia. It's not just a memory problem.
What you read in this blog is purely my own personal experience in dealing with Lewy Body Dementia every day.

This is not meant to offer any medical or legal advise.
I have no professional training in care giving or experiences in formal writing.
I'm just a woman that loves her husband deeply and wants to provide him with the best quality of life he can and chooses to have.
My prayer though this is "Lord, What am I learning from this; how can I use it help someone else and to glorify You?"
If just one person finds comfort in this public blog. I will feel like it was a success.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's a lovely day for a picnic

Hubby sleeps so much of the time and the weather has been too cold miserable and dreary to do anything constructive outside. There are only so many times you want to mop the floor and since we never have company anyway I barely concern myself with housework. I do however spend a ton of time sitting in front of my comp screen.

I became a facebook junkie because most of my friends can be found there.  I play several of the games until I got bored and have dwindled them down to a bare few. I went back to my sweepstakes and contest entries and I would love to go back into my couponing but I don't have the luxury of being able to just get up and go to take advantage of the bargains. I truly miss that.

Then I started blogging. Reading blogs and writing this one. As you can tell I live a very busy internet life.

Every now and then I pull myself away to do something else. Of course my caregiving duties come first and foremost. I stay at Hubby's beck and call on purpose and shower him with whatever attention he requires. Hubby's needs and many of his wants are top priority.

I made a New Year Resolution to focus in writing on the good with Hubby. I am happy to say that I have been able to, thus far, keep that resolution even though it hasn't been very easy. Caregiving can surely take it's toll on a person both physically and mentally. I have learned that if I seek to find the good, and believe me some days I have to look hard, it becomes easier and easier to find. I have also learned that in wanting to find the good makes me more more aware of how I can make it happen.

(side note) I do however wish I wanted to find the good when I was a not so good Valentine. But I have beat myself up enough about that.

Monday I pulled myself away from my comp to have a nap with Hubby. When I woke, Hubby did too and he turned the TV on. I lay there watching the middle of a show I then became interested in and as it turned out was a marathon showing. Sounded good to me, got me away from the comp screen and made Hubby happy I was spending more time with him. Of course Hubby laid back down and went back to sleep so I just sat there in the bed watching the show and occasionally stroking hubby's hair to calm him during a bad dream or just to soothe myself, like stroking a cat.

I didn't realize how late it was getting even though I could see it was getting dark outside. I finally realized I was going to have a very late supper so I scooted off to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Unsure of what I wanted to prepare I grabbed a few random things from the freezer and cooked them. I then decided I would do something out of the ordinary and I put all the random items on a platter. I grabbed 2 forks and a table cloth and walked into the bedroom.

I proclaimed we were going to have a picnic.

Hubby stared at me like I was confused LOL! I proceeded to put the tablecloth across the bed and placed the platter in the middle of the bed. I then handed Hubby a fork and retreated to the kitchen to get beverages.

When I returned, Hubby was still confused and concerned he would get something on the bed. That was a hoot to me as he ALWAYS eats in his room. Of course he does eat at his over bed table and not from the center of the bed. I assured him the table cloth would help and if we got it dirty I would just change all the linens and sheets. Hubby was satisfied with that and we had our picnic.

We have been married for 28 yrs. This was a first for us and I plan it to not be our last as I rather enjoyed the quiet meal with Hubby.

Sometime in seeking the good we just have to make it the best we can with what we have.

It was a lovely day for a picnic, and as a friend pointed out, even better that there were no ants :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week of Smiles 2/8 - 2/14

Feb 8: Hubby had a visitor! I was so happy to see him enjoying some time with a friend.

Feb 9: sleep

Feb 10: Cold, tired and sore (still sore from yesterdays shoveling), came in to have a bite to eat and a naptime snuggle with Hubby. He got wide eyed and shivered when I put my cold hand on his arm. We giggled and I curled my hands up under me. He asked "Are you wanting me to warm them up? I said "No, I have them under me". Surprised, he looked under the covers and realized he was laying on the cold remote. ROFLOL!

Feb 11: sleep

Feb 12: Lunch with friends after a Dr appointment then home to sleep.

Feb 13: UGH This is getting difficult when all that gets done is sleep. I am about to wake him and say "DO SOMETHING FUN AND THAT I CAN APPRECIATE!" ;-)

Feb 14: Remembering past Valentines. Cards and flowers received but mostly the bill for the flowers that arrived about 2 weeks later LOL. Valentines 2007 I never got the bill. One dozen beautiful yellow roses. For some reason I dried them and still have them as a display in my living room. The last ones I received and will receive from Hubby himself. They still make me smile.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Feb 14, 2010

So Hubby had a week of sleep. The last appointment with the Neurologist assured us that was perfectly fine. I trust Hubby's Neurologist so sleep he can do if he wants to.
I just wish he wanted to at 4 AM today.  

Still sore from 2 days of shoveling and emotionally brain tired I myself have been heading to bed a little earlier than normal. Hoping for rest, not just sleep.

I suppose Hubby got his sleep caught up because this morning he was up at 4 AM.

Our bedroom is situated right off the kitchen so I heard Hubby opening and closing cabinet doors.
I listen for 'scary" noises like falling or unsteady walking. I can even distinguish if he has opened the cabinet we keep the BC Headache Powder in.

After I decided all was well I closed my eyes. Then I heard the rattle, crinkle, rattle, crinkle, crinkle. On and on for what seemed like a 4 AM eternity. I lay there and debated getting up or waiting it out. Knowing I am NOT a morning person and never claiming to be and have serious doubts I ever will be, I chose to lay in my bed and try to go back to sleep. I knew if I got up I would more than likely sound gruff and annoyed and I didn't really want to start my day or Hubby's day like that. After a while the horrid noise stopped and I went back to sleep, or cat napping. Hubby rattled around in the kitchen opening the fridge, cabinets, drawers, rifling through the utensils and glasses. At 6:30 AM that horrible rattling started again.

Now it is beginning to grate my nerves.

Again I lay there hoping, praying that the noise will stop. I couldn't quite make out what the noise was, the inside of a cereal box? a chip bag? Whatever it was seemed to get louder and louder in my head until I finally got out of bed marched into the kitchen. Quickly surveyed he was attempting to open a package of sausage biscuits (you know, the kind that you must open with a pair of scissors because the glue they use on the package is industrial) by hand when gruffly (I told you) said  "Let me do that" Poor Hubby got scared out of his wits when I spoke. I took the package from his poor shaking hands, grabbed a knife opened the package and nuked the stupid biscuits. Reached over and hit the brew button on the coffee pot and sulked into the bathroom.

Oh yeah, I am definitely Valentine material today.

I retrieved Hubby's biscuits from the nuker, asked him if he had his mustard which he retrieved and applied himself. Then he came into my computer room where I set up a table for him and he sat with me while I drank my coffee and checked e-mail.

 Now I sit and reflect on the morning and all the things I should have done differently but didn't and honestly in the same situation would probably do again. The truth is painful.

I am also reading some blogs about Valentines. Gifts received or remembered. One blog, written by a friend of mine, in particular made me laugh out loud. She received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her husband and learned she was receiving a pedi/manicure. She knew this not because she had received it early but because she noticed the charge on a credit card receipt! Now when I read this, I wasn't laughing AT her I was laughing because I remembered all the times I received flowers from Hubby. Oh the flowers were beautiful, don't get me wrong. I love flowers. It was just that  2 weeks later I always received the bill that came with them LOL!!!
I can remember 2 times I never got the flower bill.
The first time was when I had given birth to our first child 27 years ago. Hubby sent me a dozen red roses. So beautiful.

The second was Valentines 2007. Hubby and I were trying to reconcile after a long, painful and bitter separation.
They were a dozen yellow roses. That was the last time Hubby ever sent me flowers. Shortly thereafter he was diagnosed with Lewy and Lewy doesn't celebrate anything.

I don't know why but I dried those flowers. I hung them upside down in a spare closet and now they are a display in my living room. I would like to find a glass box to put them in but finding one hasn't been a top priority.

But every time I look at those roses, I smile.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Driving Mr Hubby.

Hubby's struggle over his inability to drive is a major obstacle in our life.
Some days bigger than others but always there in the recesses of his mind he believes he has the ability to drive. On some (some) days he may very well be able too. Lately I would be inclined to think so EXCEPT I know better.

Lewy Body Dementia can leave me spinning trying to understand its ups and downs. For example, Hubby has had some pretty decent days of late. Yes, he does sleep almost all the time anymore but he moves a little better and without the use of his walker when he is awake. Hubby has been a little more like his old fun self  the last few weeks joking and teasing. I have appreciated every good moment.

One of the sad things, amongst the plethora, of Lewy is that Hubby is aware he has a problem. he has mentioned it only a few times to me or to others. His actions or lack of them at times also makes me aware he knows he has problems. Truthfully there are times when I wish he didn't know and just forgot about certain things completely, more specifically, driving.
Driving is such an independent thing. So much of his independence has been lost from other things less important to him that he has adapted pretty well. Afterall, having someone to get and do for you sounds pretty good even to me. But driving, that's a whole other ball of wax.

Several months before his diagnosis In March 2007 Hubby bought a brand spanking new truck. He took great effort in adding just the right details to it to doll it up. Bright Red with Chrome accessories and do-dads. It was an eyecatcher for sure. In April and May that same year Hubby wrecked his truck twice, both times in our own yard. The damage was easy to repair but his pride was not. He started driving it less but continued driving his small vehicle. He made me a nervous wreck riding with him.  Hubby was driving erratically. Running red lights, severe tailgating. Swerving all over the road. I think there are permanent finger print indentations in the door arm and a foot imprint where a break should be on the passengers side floorboard. I refused to ride anywhere with him. And by June I took over the driving if we went anywhere together.

Hubby continued to drive on his own and even when he was diagnosed he continued for a very short time. Nobody in authority said he couldn't and Hubby knew he was having problems so he actually drove less and less on his own. The last time Hubby drove was mid July 08 and the time before that was end of May 08 ( I know because I kept a journal and went back to look ) so nearly a 2 months hiatus for this daily driver.
He hasn't driven alone since and there are times when he feels like he should be able to.

At his last Neurologist appointment Hubby's Dr still di not say he could not drive, but did say he didn't think that Hubby could get his license renewed. Unfortunately all Hubby has to do is pass a simple eye test and sign on the dotted line to get his license renewed. I think he could do that.

Hubby's license expires on his birthday next month and he has mentioned to me that he needs to renew them but that was a couple of months ago. He has seen the renewal form and I did not throw it away but placed it on the bulletin board. I am thinking if it's so important to Hubby he will remember but I am not going to bring it up. I know that sounds terrible of me and I feel like a heel about it but I only want the safety of Hubby and others. That is something he doesn't want to or can't understand.

Yesterday Hubby saw a Mental Health professional to discuss his feelings about not driving. I am not sure how much of it Hubby actually absorbed because when he tried to talk to me about it later he got lost in his conversation. One good thing came out of the meeting I was able to attend. Hubby remembered who I was and recalled that we were married and where! I was so surprised and then just as quickly as I was happy I was crushed because hubby said he felt like I was keeping him trapped and he wanted out of our marriage. I am still stung and here I sit between a rock and a hard place. Pressed under the weight of the snow.

Today Hubby sleeps.
Today I cried. Some days, I'm too tired to be strong.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Driveway Devotional

We have experienced some of the worst winter weather Arkansas has seen in a while. 12" of snow.
How can something so beautiful be disliked so much?

Armed with a flat end shovel, a heavy sweatshirt and jeans, sunglasses, gloves and monitor so I could hear Hubby if he needed me. I spent the last 2 days trying to shovel out 200+ feet of driveway. Wide enough of a path that I can get out of the driveway and Hubby's aide or anyone else can get in. I am very tired and sore.

As I was shoveling I took the time to look around at the beauty of the snow. The glistening as though diamond dust was scatter across the yard when the sun was shining on it. The big fluffy clouds passing by at a fairly quick pace. The warmth of the sun beating on my face and the sounds of the ice dripping and snow falling from crackling tree branches and the house eaves. Birds taking flight against a beautiful blue sky leaving behind a trail of the white powder floating off into the air to be evaporated or to find rest somewhere else.

Gods splendor.

Looking through the trees my eye captured a pine tree that had been weighted down by the heaviness of the snow given release from the weight as the sun melted just enough to give it a bounce back.

Shaking the powder from its branches and looking back up to the sky. A moment washed over me as I thought about those trees and the weight they bore.

Some trees branches were mighty and withstood the load of the snow with little to no effect.

Some tree branches and shrubbery were so burdened down by the load and laying in the driveway.
The tangled mess of prickly bushes have prevented one tree in particular to grow awkwardly and bear sparse leaves and branches. The poor tree has never had the opportunity to develop to it's full potential. I doubt it ever will be anything more than a weakling surrounded by prickly bushes.

Some branches are weak and bear no life in them. They are nothing to really look at but you can tell that at one time they were strong and mighty.

Others that are smaller and bare no life, succumbed to the weight and fell off.

The pine trees were my favorite to watch.
Even the tallest and more regal of the pines were not immune to the barrage of flakes. Some withstood quite well. Perhaps losing the weakest branches.

The smaller trees could do nothing but bow down. Some leaned to the side as in an effort to avoid all their branches from being covered. Some succeeded and have yet to straighten out completely. I wonder if they ever will without help.

Some just snapped giving up completely.

Others shouldered the snowfall and appeared to be burdened by the weight.
The wind was at first helping to keep some of the snow off of them but eventually it stopped blowing and the snow fell anyway. I wondered how long they could endure.

Standing there looking at the pine tree I thought how heavy that burden must feel. Many of the branches touching the ground. Then as if God spoke I watched this pine tree shake and then the snow fell off many of the branches. Those branches in their release from bondage stood erect and renewed. A tad dusty but strong and ready for the next round. I laughed when I saw this.

I was struck by the thought that in many ways we are like trees burdened by the weight of snow.
We have a great many burdens to bare. Some of us that have been around a while and have weathered many things still stand tall and regal.
We suffer a great many losses though our lifetime, we see much new life in it also. We have learned how to bend and sway and continue on until our time here is done.

Other trees with dead branches producing no foliage or fruit surrendered to the will of the Lord. For He knows the plans he has for us. Plans to give us a future and a hope. Making room for new productive growth in our lives.

Some of us surrounded by prickly bushes that hinder our growth and effectiveness. Never getting out of the situation mostly because we don't know any better and the prickly bushes have become our way of life. Complacent to do nothing.

Then the pines.

Some of us try to run and avoid the inevitable. Depending on others (the wind) to save us. Leaning away from Lord leaving us bent and deformed.

Some of us leaning so far that we give up and break.

Then there are those of us that keep standing as still and tall as we can. We say we shall not be moved.
We gather our friends (the wind) to help us with the burden. We are ever so grateful knowing we are loved. Yet still more snow falls on our lives and more until we find ourselves heavily burdened by it and we wonder, whatever shall we do, or why me or how much more can I bare? Then just when we think we shall never hold up under the weight and our knees (branches) have been touching the ground for some time, feeling lonely and cold and concerned, we surrender to the will of God.
It is then that God's love shines on us.
He melts the burden bit by bit to reveal the beauty of his creation. Renewing our strength so we too may shake the powder off and spring upright declaring His wonder and love.
Perhaps there is a branch removed from our lives, and He is using that space filling it with good things.

All I know is that there are days I feel like the burdened pine. I shall not be moved.  On Christ the solid Rock I stand.
I wonder why things happen but mostly I wonder what I am learning from my experience as a caregiver and how can I use it to help others and declare the love of my Lord and Savior?

So I enjoyed my driveway devotional. I love how God picks the most interesting times and things to talk with me about.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Not Hubby, me.

Hubby had a visitor! A friend came by to visit. YAY for Hubby!! We have known Friend for many years. Hubby knows him much better than I do. It was good to see him for Hubby's sake. He and Hubby have had their ups and downs over the years but they are at least more than acquaintances. We were sad to learn Friend has had some very serious health problems that even required a long hospital stay. Since Hubby's illness he has lost contact with so many people he has known. Many have fell by the wayside or just dropped out of sight. Some have even passed away. Hubby has mostly forgotten how to dial the phone, or "this piece of junk" as he fondly refers to it, and never asks to call anyone. For various reasons I never take it upon myself to contact the people he knows just to check up with them. I myself have a community of friends I stay in contact with via internet. My friends and our friends. Without them I would be lost. They are my legion of laughs, sounding boards and prayer warriors.

So why the snit? Friend was shocked to see how much Hubby had declined. Actually Friend didn't think there was anything really wrong with Hubby until yesterday. When he saw it for himself. I left Friend and Hubby alone to visit but it wasn't long before Friend asked me to join them. I think Friend was a little uncomfortable. Hubby wasn't too engaging in the conversation but did recognize Friend and was happy to see him. Friend can be a little, what's a good word here?... boisterous. If it weren't for my northern upbringing I would probably have been terribly hurt by Friend's comments about some things but I was born with a fairly sharp wit and learned a sarcastic humor that can be to my advantage and to my disadvantage.

Back to my snit. Friend wrapped up his visit with Hubby and as he was leaving looked at me and said. "You take good care of him." I answered that I was already doing that. Friend nodded and grabbed Hubby and me for a hug.
After Friend left Hubby and I said it was nice he came. Hubby was tired and went to bed where he stayed the rest of the day. I had plenty of time to watch the snow fall and fall and fall and fall, did I mention we had snow fall? I do not like snow. Arkansas should only have snow on the grass. I knew we were in for another snow in and it had arrived earlier than expected so Hubby's aide was unable to come and I was unable to make a trip to the store. Once again we were snowed in. Hope the cats don't run out of food.

Today I spend the better part of the day trying to shovel the driveway. The aide can't make it again and I doubt she will be able to get down our driveway tomorrow so here I sit tonight tired and sore and mulling those words over in my head. "You take good care of him" (So much for my northern upbringing tonight.)

Wasn't it apparent that he was safe, clean, and tended to?
When you offered to take him for coffee sometime didn't my concern for you to watch out for him as he is unstable  give you a hint I was concerned.
I've only been care giving 24 hrs a day 7 days a week, less whatever time I feel blessed to have for running errands. But then I am still care giving because my time is so short and he is ever on the forefront of my mind. My number readily available should I need to be called and willing to drop everything on the spur of the moment to get to him.
I have only been doing this for a couple of years now and have made so many adjustments to our home for his convenience  and safety. You saw those in the house tour.
I have prepared the same meals over and over again because he gets whatever he wants and I'm happy to do it.
I make as much sense as I possibly can out of complete nonsense so he won't get terribly distressed trying to communicate. And I interpret for others and give simple choices so he can still make decisions
I have been rudely and harshly awakened in the night time hours due to REM sleep disorder that I try to avoid or let calm itself or I lull back to gentleness.
I have learned and am learning a way of helping him maintain as much of his dignity as I can possibly preserve. I do my best to talk to him and encourage him.
I make the extra effort to remain calm when he does something he knows he can't yet insists on doing it, leaving me a mess to clean.
I stay as close to him as I can in the event he needs me I am right here.
I bought a monitor so I can still take care of outside things and all he has to do is call for me to come, I will and do.
I have picked him up from the floor and talked him through getting up from the floor.
I have surveyed him for damage and tended wounds.
I have assisted with personal hygiene and dressing. Helping and just out and out doing.
I have assured him there are no others in the house and even demanded that there better not be as I was in my pajamas. (They didn't stick around)
I carry depends in my purse and bring the walker or wheelchair "Just in case'" and we always have the case.
I remind him he is loved and that I am here to take care of him even though he doesn't really know who I am.
I will drive him to the ends of the world if he just wanted to go.
I love him.

So yes, I AM taking good care of him. But would it hurt to say, "Take good care of yourself"
Sometimes a small comment like that can mean so much. 

Week of sleep 2/1 - 2/7

Got a little overanxious on posting good things in last weeks smiles I added Feb 1 in there. 

Feb 2:What a wonderful, fun and blessed day!! 

It has snowed here and we had been snowed in.  A layer of freezing rain, then sleet then snow and more sleet and snow. Arkansas doesn't adjust well to weather like that. (Give us a big ole tornado any day as opposed to ice and snow.) 

With enough of the snow melted we were able to keep Hubby's Dr. appointment. I had scraped and shoveled for 2 days trying to dig out. Thank the Good Lord for his sunshine and warmer temps. I warmed up the car for a good 30 mins before we left. 

Hubby was cautious about getting in. One due to the still slick driveway. Two because the ice on the car roof had slid just enough toward the passenger side of the car it looked as if it would fall on Hubby's head at any moment. (I tested it with a hard shove before Hubby ever came outside. No movement)

As we drove away I thought for sure that the ice would at the least just slide off the car hood but it didn't budge. 6 miles at 55 mph to the interstate and it was still hanging on.  As we rounded the on ramp and accelerated Hubby and I agreed it would probably fall off. Nope still on. We heard the roof snow move and I looked up into the rear view mirror to see it fly off and crash into the road behind us.  Finally about 5 miles down the road at 70 mph we watched chunks of snow hover and fly off the car hood. It was like watching a scene out of the matrix movies. Hubby and I both gasped when the hovering object shot straight up and flew over the roof then we laughed out loud. 

 After Hubby's Dr appointment we shared Prayer, lunch and laughs with some fabulous friends we love so very much. Hubby had a wonderful visit and was a little more involved than times. He has hopes of doing some fishing with his friend as I do for him. We are also rolling the idea around in trying to take a mini vacation together. That would be so nice :) 

Before we left we ran into an old friend we hadn't seen in such a long time. Sadly Hubby didn't remember her.

By the time we got into the car to get home I could tell Hubby was getting pretty tired. He slowed down in walking and talking and just wanted to go home. So home we went.  It was a great day! :) ♥

Feb 3: Sleep day

Lewy communication can be a big problem and it sure can leave me scratching my head. .

Feb 4 After opening a bottle of water for Hubby, he asked me if my father still worked at the place where they bottle that water (Daddy overfilled Arizona Tea bottles) I said "No, He retired" Hubby said "He's going to college?" I repeated myself and Hubby just looked at me. All I could do was scratch my head LOL!

Feb 5: Another very quiet day. Hubby slept most of the day and just wandered around the house the rest of the time. When I went to bed and watched TV he snuggled as close as he could and just lay there happy and content. Me too :)

Feb 6: sleep seems to be the only thing going on in our lives lately.

Feb7: Another sleep day for Hubby. We have the pleasure of hosting our Church Youth Group once a month with Food, Bible Study and fellowship. I SO look forward to it. Hubby doesn't make much if any effort to associate so he stays in his room. A couple of times he has made an appearance but retreated to his room. 

As he sleeps I Fondly remembered how we used to be so involved in our church activities and Youth groups. I recalled the time we drove the church van. We picked up so many children I started a roll and checked everyone on and off. Every child we picked up was accounted for. One day all children were present and accounted for, we drove away to take them to their respective homes . We drove about 1 block from the Church when  I looked at Hubby and asked "Where are OUR children? We found all 3 of them them waiting for us on the Church steps ROFLOL!!!!